Undocumented Youth

What Teens Need to Know

Undocumented Youth

As long as you are able to give consent, you are generally able to get all of the same health care services like any other young person. You do not have to tell health care staff that you are undocumented. As an undocumented young person, there are specific concerns you may have about confidentiality.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has a policy called the “sensitive locations policy,” that generally means ICE does not make arrests at sensitive locations, which include hospitals or clinics. Depending on where you live, other local laws may restrict whether ICE can access public health facilities, and many hospitals and clinics have their own policies to limit access by immigration authorities.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevents your health care provider from giving out your health care information, though there are a number of exceptions. Also any care that you are able to consent to on your own will be kept confidential from your parents or guardian.

Payment Options

In New York State, you are able to apply for certain health insurance options regardless of immigration status (more information will be in the next section). If you do not have insurance, you can ask for other payment options.

You will need a photo ID to make any payments using a debit or credit card. In New York City and some other cities, you can obtain a municipal ID card regardless of your immigration status, and those who are of driving age can obtain a driver’s license without proof of immigration status. If you do not have a photo ID, you can pay with cash, money order, or have someone else pay.